Sunday 1 April 2007

Module 2 - Newsgroups Task

This was so painful to first of all get the best/right software - I tried two others before I ended up downloading MT-Newswatcher, and then trawling through 43,000 groups, even with the find function it was tedious. And then sorting through all the spam was almost impossible. Finally I found the aus.films newsgroup, and having just watched the movie Babel and being massively dissapointed I posted the following message "I just watched Babel and it was soooo bad (and not Michael Jackson bad). What was the writer trying to say? Mumble mumble something about guns and nude teenage Japanese girls? Honestly, it was the most overrated film I think I have ever seen. Se7en oscar nominations? Please."

I found this task to be immensely time consuming and frustrating. I really don't know what sort of people would use these regularly instead of a discussion board where peer editing tends to remove offensive posts or users can be banned by administrators for antisocial postings. I won't be posting to any newsgroups again.

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